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Paradigma: Jurnal Masalah Sosial, Politik, dan Kebijakan
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Jurnal online Paradigma mengundang peneliti dan akademisi untuk menuliskan hasil penelitiannya untuk dipublikasikan sesuai dengan tema-tema di bawah ini kebijakan di bidang : (1) Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis; (2) Ilmu Hubungan Internasional dan (3) Ilmu Komunikasi.
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Alasan-alasan Penolakan Pengunduran Diri Pemerintah Bashar Al-Assad terhadap Tuntutan Oposisi dalam Gerakan Reformasi Suriah Fitri Astutui; Harmiyati Harmiyati
Jurnal Paradigma Vol 16, No 2 (2012): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/paradigma.v16i2.2465


Syria is among the Arab states affected by the storm of revolution. Syrian political conflicts are not purely due to internal problems in the country, but Syrian political conflict is a scenario that has been designed for the United States and its Allies topple Bashar al-Assad’s government. People Power is generally driven by the political consciousness of a country’s domestic problems, but the ongoing conflict in Syria is the demands made by the opposition is driven from the outside. The existence of power from the outside to intervene in Syria that sparked opposition to demand the president to immediately step down from the chairmanship.President Bashar al-Assad has the authority under the constitution. Based on the inherent authority of the constitution and the constitution of Syria, Bashar al-Assad has the authority to resolve the conflict in Syria. By legitimacy, Bashar al-Assad has the authority to stay in power because of the support of its people. A president could not have done anything without the institutions efforts and support of all the people. Besides large countries such as Russia, China and Iran plays an important role in the rejection of the resignation of Bashar al-Assad to the demands of the Syrian opposition.
Mengukur Budaya Toleran dan Nasionalisme di Lingkungan Civitas Akademika UPN “Veteran” Jogjakarta Ir. Lestanta Budiman, M.Hum
Jurnal Paradigma Vol 16, No 2 (2012): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/paradigma.v16i2.2460


The aims of the research are to measure tolerance culture and nationalism awareness among UPN “Veteran” population and to do philosophical reflection toward the results related with UPN “Veteran” Jogjakarta’s ideology, doctrine and its prime goal in education.The research is philosophical investigation based on sociological data and lust but not least enrich by literature or library study. Sociological data use to know the factual condition of UPN population’s tolerance culture and nasionalisme awareness, than literature data as philosophical reflection material. To collect the sociological data the research take a cluster random sampel as a metode and to reflect use the philosophical teknik methos such as interpretation, holistic and sintetic-analytic.The results of descriptive analysis show that ……………………………………………Historical and philosophical reflection show that Indonesian nation movement on the past and UPN’s doctrine and goal have similarities and spirit. Indonesia-nation build by the young generation that take lecture at STOVIA. And UPN in its Statue doctrine that his existence is to produce the true leader nationalist. Indonesia concept and “Indonesian” label is something a new that found by STOVIA students. And today, UPN’s students should have same duty to strengthening its. UPN’s mission as explored in it’s statute is to keep Indonesia-nation tree by educated and produced the huan resource that concern to nation’s and society’s complex problem
Manajemen Sistem Komunikasi Jaringan Radio Pancar Terpadu Pemerintah Provinsi Daaerah Istimewa Yogyakarta untuk Penanggulangan Bencana Alam Edwi Arief Sosiawan
Jurnal Paradigma Vol 16, No 2 (2012): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/paradigma.v16i2.2461


Berdasarkan pada pengalamn yang ada pada saat terjadinya gempa bumi di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 27 Mei 2006 semua sarana komunikasi public lumpuh total kecuali rasio komunikasi/ radio pancar, artinya radio komunikasi mampu bertahan di saat infrastruktur komunikasi public dalam kondisi rusak atau hancur. Berdasarkkan pada pengalaman pula penggunaan radio komunikasi ini juga banyak membantu suatu keadaan darurat (disaster) baik dalam skala kecil, menengah dan besar, bahkan dapat digunakan dalam suatu operasi penyelamatan (search and rescue) dan pengerahan bantuan penanganan serta penanggulangan terhadap kejadian musibah/bencan. Untuk kepentingan pembangunan jaringan system komunikasi terpadu radio komunikasi/ pancar yang mendukung system komunikasi PEMPROV DIY maka diperlukan suatu kajian khusus untuk mendalami berbagai kemungkinan pembangunan jaringan komunikasi tersebut melalui pengumpulan data, observasi dan survey di lapangan serta analisis data untuk memberikan rekomendasi bagi penyediaan saran dan prasarana serta peralatan yang digunakan dalam system komunikasi terpadu melalui meda radio komunikasi/ radio pancar yang mendukung system komunikasi PEMPROV DIY maka diperlukan suatu kajian khusus untuk mendalami berbagai kemungkinan pembangunan jaringan komunikasi tersebut melalui pengumpulan data observasi dan survey di lapangan serta analisis data untuk memberikan rekomendasi bagi penyediaan sarana dan prasarana serta peralatan yang digunakan dalam system komunikasi terpadu melalui media radio komunikasi/ radio pancar
Economic Development, Political Stability, and Semi Democracy In Malaysia and Singapore Aryanta Nugraha
Jurnal Paradigma Vol 16, No 2 (2012): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/paradigma.v16i2.2462


Meskipun mencapai tingkat perekonomian yang tinggi, Malaysia dan Singapura merupakan contoh kegagalan teori modernisasi dalam menjelaskan munculnya demokratisasi. Alih menjadi demokratis, kedua negara ini menunjukkan performa rezim semi-demokrasi secara persisten. Dengan menggunakan literature semi-demokrasi, artikel singkat ini ingin menunjukkan karakter dasar rezim semi demokrasi di Malaysia dan Singapura. Artikel ini berpendapat bahwa di kedua negara tersebut, semi demokrasi merupakan rezim yang by design. Mencontoh model Malaysia dan Singapura, saat ini model rezim semi demokrasi by-design telah menjadi salah satu alterntif pilihan untuk mengembangkan rezim politik di beberapa negara.
Strategy Asean Membangun Sense of Community Anik Yuniarti
Jurnal Paradigma Vol 16, No 2 (2012): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/paradigma.v16i2.2463


ASEAN has been making effort to realize the ASEAN Community with the enhancing of the common identity and sense of community of the ASEAN. In that process, the people of ASEAN is the central objective of the ASEAN Community. The “ASEAN people Oriented” encourage participation of the ASEAN people to the process of ASEAN integration in three pillars, namely the ASEAB Political and Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. To realise the goal of a people-centred ASEAN Community, The ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community aims to contribute to realizing an ASEAN Community that is people-oriented and socially responsible with a view to achieving enduring solidarity and unity among the peoples and Member States of ASEAN. This research describes the ASEAN efforts to develop “we feeling” and “sense of community” in ASEAN.
Etnis Pribumi dan Sosialisme di Amerika Latin Hikmatul Akbar
Jurnal Paradigma Vol 16, No 2 (2012): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/paradigma.v16i2.2464


Beginning of the 21stcentury shows the rising of the indigenous people of Latin America. After having colonized by the European for more than five centuries they are now trying to get their political roles back. As to serve the native people and to get position as political leader, they struggle some and others way. Surviving the history, culture and natural environment are done by Indian movement in some Latin American countries. In some other countries, leader of Indian in Latin America prefer to have their struggle through social organizations and political movement. Along with the democracy growth, the idea socialism come to their mind as to unite the spirit of indigenous people as well as poor people across the countries of Latin America.

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